
New Talent A Key To Future Success

Sportspeople Recruitment is well established as the leading recruiter across the sport, leisure, fitness, events, coaching and aquatic sector in Australia and New Zealand. When you take a look at our client list you’ll see it’s the breadth of experience that really stands us apart from other recruitment agencies operating in the sector. And for those people who judge success by volume, Sportspeople also happens to fill more jobs in the sport, leisure, fitness, events, coaching and aquatic sector than any other recruitment agency. We’re pleased to say, considerably more.

A key to this success is the emphasis we place on finding the right candidate for the job, rather than simply filling the job. One of our basic recruitment rules is to ensure our client does not compromise in their staffing decisions. In fact in those rare circumstances where we can’t immediately find the right candidate, we prefer to extend the search until we get the right result for the employer.

One of the recruitment challenges for our sector is avoiding a “musical chairs” approach to the candidate search & selection process. A candidate selection policy which focuses only on those people already working in the sector can be both restrictive and unproductive. It is important therefore, to broaden the search & selection process to attract highly suitable candidates from outside our sector.

Recent Australian and New Zealand appointments through Sportspeople Recruitment provide some good examples of how an open recruitment practice can attract the best new talent from outside the sport in a relatively small market. Not only did these candidates fulfill the key experience and skill requirements of the role, they also demonstrated a strong empathy with the sport and a shared vision on the strategic goals.

Naturally there will be circumstances where a candidate working in another sport presents as the strongest contender for the role, but avoiding a primary reliance on a “musical chairs” recruitment solution is vital if we are to grow as a sector.

RM – Sportspeople Recruitment
First Published 2017

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